Starting well and Finishing Strong in God's Divine Assignment for you is True

Join  a vibrant community of ministry leaders so as to run your race with endurance and mastery in these last days.


Overcome obstacles in ministry, embrace multiplied grace, and remain focused on the high call of God!

It takes true grit, commitment, and a whole lot of grace to obtain the imperishable crown. (1 Cor 9:25)

If you answered yes to one of the above, then

My questions to you today:

  • Do you find yourself starting with excitement and suddenly discouraged?
  • Do you understand WHY obstacles along your way appears to be unending?
  • Do you feel burnout? 
  • Are you disillusioned or discouraged by the spiritual landscape you see around you?
  • Do you know how to overcome them as you move towards the finishing line?
  • Do you still find joy in serving God's people?

The Masters mind network was design for


Remaining on the straight and narrow way

Learn the art of 

Despite what life is throwing at you.

Run to Win!

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize.

1 Cor 9:24

Learn to stay in His presence for seasonal instructions

Commit to mentorship and developmental opportunities to improve leadership skills

Set boundaries and grow self-care practices and avoid long-term burnout

Deal with criticism and maintain focus in difficult times

Master spiritual, financial, and emotional challenges in ministry

Rediscover passion and joy in your purpose

The Masters' Mind Network is Design to help you:

Come and enhance your leadership gift, sustained multiplication, and be part of a praying tribe

Become part of a vibrant God-fearing Community

I'm Mo’Tolani Abike

hey there!

Podcaster, Author, Digital Marketer, Educator, Dreamer, Mother and #1 Most Curious Human (Really). I'm glad you're here. Now let's get to work.



Mo’Tolani Abike
