Single again
Thriving by Grace


Single again? You can thrive by grace.

I should know, as one on the journey myself. Being single again comes with silence so loud that most people stay mute on the topic.

I wear the scars that have become some of the precious pearls I want to share with you.

Your life is not over. You can, and you will thrive again!

Here is an excellent news: it’s not your name or identity. Your identity is too great to be boxed up to fit an event.

My marriage failed, but I didn’t fail! My identity is too great to be shrunken to fit into the small box of an event. A loss of love and dreams of being together till old age by divorce or death is not the end of your life.

There's grace to live and THRIVE BY THE LOVE OF GOD.

It’s time to see the FAILURE as an EVENT and NOT a DESTINATION.

Regardless of how you got here, divorced, widowed, or single- again by choice;

There is Grace to live and

Thrive through the Love of God


Participation in this course is for you whether:

  • He/she walked away- and left you single;
  • You walked away after being abused once or repeatedly;
  • He or she died and you were left alone to continue life alone
  • Ministry leaders who want to learn how to better support single adults in their congregations.
  • Marriage counselors who want to learn more about the unique challenges and opportunities that single adults face.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about the single life and how to thrive


Learning the Truth vs. Fact and
Rediscovering your identity 

Moving past the weight of cultural and religious standards and expectations.

Redefining the mindset shift using biblical perspective

day 1 - day 7  :  The reality check

Overcoming the stigma

day 8 - day 15  :  embracing the new form

The survival mentality

Go beneath the surface

Picking up the pieces
Letting go and forgiving what you can't forget

SElf care

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual

Managing Emotions

Riding the roller coaster of Unresolved pain, anger, Sadness, Regret, Guilt, shame, Resentment, loneliness, aloneness, and Unforgiveness that all points to pain.

Managing Emotions Ii

Master your emotions as INDICATORS, not DICTATORS 

head space to reality

Thoughts inventory; unpacking negative self talk.

day 16 - day 21  :  THRIVING BY GRACE

Simple truth

It's Okay Not to Be Okay

Rewriting your story

Break new grounds for you and coming generations

Healing From the Inside OuT

The temporary and quick fixes; a new relationship, swift justice in my unfair situation


WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT: Finding peace in the loving arms of the Father.

Mo'Tolani , i want in NOW!

Course content

A 21-Day Experience of Inner Healing and a Radical All Around Transformation

Class Schedule

  • Live sessions
  • Recordings for replay
  • Daily tasks/activities
  • Q and A sessions weekly

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
Save me, and I shall be saved,
For You are my praise."

Jeremiah 17:14

Blog Post

Get Access To Our Blog Posts

  • The mean girl; who she became after the after.
  • Forgiving what you can't forget
  • Let them be
  • Bag the money and the image

i want in NOW!

Don't let your past experiences and setbacks define you.
 Give yourself permission to THRIVE.

 Start living your life by                                           

Divine Design.

Don't let your past experiences and setbacks define you.
 Give yourself permission to THRIVE.

 Start living your life by

Grace Seats

  • We will have healed and whole individuals come share their testimonies each week (you want to glean from these stories of renewal)
  • We will be engaging in taylor-made prayers and fasting (highly recommended) at least for three days during this period. Corporate prayers at the end of each appointed day.
  • Come remove thoughts of regrets, shame, and fear of the future and adorn new robes of joy, confidence in Gods love with clarity and strength for your purpose.

My Gifts to YOU

Unlock a free 30-minutes 1-on-1 session with me. You have the opportunity to ask me any questions. 

VALUED AT $500.00


Valued at $149.99 

Free Enrolment to My Power of Forgiveness Course

Mo'Tolani came to my rescue while drowning in the messiness of divorce from a toxic and abusive marriage. With her wisdom and great depth of insight, she helped me elevate my perspective and walked me through the healing and recovery journey. Out of her wealth of knowledge, she has helped me reinvent myself from living like a victim to thriving and excelling on the journey of being Single Again. Today, out of her vast teaching techniques, I am a Wholeness Coach, helping others rewrite their stories.

- Ella Smart, Wholeness Coach

What others are saying...

I’m glad you are here. As one sharing my journey with you, from the other side, my goal is to help you embrace the journey of being single again with hope, love and courage.

See, many years ago, I was right there where you are today. I lived with the pain of loss and the many years invested in marriage. You will agree that no one, in their right mind, goes into a marriage with a plan to be divorced or expect a spouse to die. Life happens to the best of us, and this phase tends to threaten your entire existence, from your finances, health, family structure, and even relationships.

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I Am

Abike Adewole


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I'm Mo’Tolani Abike

hey there!

Podcaster, Author, Digital Marketer, Educator, Dreamer, Mother and #1 Most Curious Human (Really). I'm glad you're here. Now let's get to work.



Mo’Tolani Abike
